Complete Ignition Switch Kit, 66-77 Ford Bronco SKU: 6300
Complete Ignition Switch Kit, 66-77 Ford Bronco
Product Overview:
Everything you need to replace the stock 66-77 Ford Bronco ignition switch. This kit includes a new early Bronco ignition switch, ignition switch spacer cup, ignition switch chrome bezel and key cylinder.

Full description
Complete Early Bronco Ignition Switch Assembly
Our complete early Bronco ignition switch assembly is everything you need to replace the stock ignition switch in your 66-77-Ford Bronco. This assembly includes the following parts:- Early Bronco Ignition Switch
- Ignition Switch Spacer Cup
- Chrome Ignition Switch Trim Bezel
- Ignition Switch Key Cylinder
Please Sign In if you have a question or want to post an answer.
Asked by Brian Fitzgerald, December 2, 2021
Q: Will this switch work with the Painless wiring harness?
Answered by ☆ sales - December 7, 2021
A: Yes, this is the same switch used in the kit.
Asked by Tim, September 3, 2020
Q: What do you do if you can't turn the key at all? It froze completely and won't budge
Answered by ☆ sales - September 4, 2020
A: First, make sure you are using the correct key. If you know it is or you are, and it just won't turn, no matter how much you jiggle and wiggle and twist. It will most likely need to be drilled out. It could be the cylinder, or the ignition switch that has failed. The cylinder need to be in ACC, and turn past to come out.
Asked by Steve Dunaway, May 11, 2020
Q: I have a 1977 Ford Bronco that has been setting up for about 2 months. I went to start it on Saturday but it will not stay running when I release the key from the start position it dies hold it in the start position and it will crank let go of the key and it dies. Is this a bad ignition switch?
Answered by ☆ sales - May 11, 2020
A: Could be, but probably not. Sounds like you are losing power to the coil in the run position. Better bet, check your grounds and ground wires and clean your ignition connections. Especially if you have Fords Dura Spark, especially its grounds and connections. Finicky.
Asked by Matthew, May 8, 2020
Q: Does the centech harness work with this or will I need an adapter? thanks
Answered by ☆ sales - May 8, 2020
A: The Centech harness we sell, works with the stock switch. Others sell a harness version where an adapter would be necessary.
Asked by Heather, June 2, 2019
Q: Will this fit a 61 ford unibody?
Answered by ☆ sales - June 3, 2019
A: According to the manufacturer, this ignition will also fit 1961 Falcon, Fairlane, Galaxy, and Thunderbird.
Asked by David leach, April 27, 2019
Q: Will this plug into my 72 f100 harness?
Answered by ☆ sales - May 1, 2019
A: Best guess is no. We can only find that this switch is compatible with the 67-77 Bronco and 61-77 Econolines. You may try Dennis Carpenter directly.